Gokyo Lake Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek

Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek, one of the best and foremost destinations of each traveler in the world, lies in the laps of the almighty majestic mountain Mt. Everest. Reaching Everest Base Camp isn’t just a light-hearted trek. It’s a mini-expedition that will test you in more ways than one. But for the short time, you are there all the pain completely disappears, leaving you to revel in what will become one of the greatest achievements of your life. Between the pats on the back, the hugs and the handshakes of congratulations, you’ll lose yourself in complete silence as you marvel at the specter before you – the top of the world. Not many people can say they stood over halfway towards that. And if you don’t make it that far, you will still have traversed one of the most beautiful trekking routes on the planet.

Located at an altitude of 8848.86 meters above sea level, Mt Everest is the world's highest mountain. Mt. Everest is often considered the holy grail of alpinists worldwide.

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