Why is Annapurna so rarely climbed in comparison to Everest?

Annapurna I - The hardest Mountain to climb in the world

Although Everest is the roof of the world setting itself as the Highest Mountain in the World, this mountain is considered less hard to climb than Mt. Annapurna, Mt. K2 and Mt. Kanchenjunga. Looking at the records of Submitters over Mt. Annapurna and Mt. Everest, Mt. Annapurna carries a sliver of a fraction of the popularity and notoriety as compared to majestic Mt. Everest.

Mt. Annapurna is rarely climbed as compared to Everest as it's one of the most dangerous mountain climbs on this earth. Compared with other 8,000-meter giant mountains, Mt. Annapurna Expedition has the highest ratio of fatalities to the summits. Hence this mountain is one of the least successfully climbed 8,000 due to its challenging climbing routes, unpredictable climate change and weather in the Annapurna region.

With no doubt, Mt. Annapurna Expedition is reserved for the best extreme mountaineers in the world. As this mountain is highly challenging and harder to summit as compared to other 8000er mountains, only the extreme mountaineer with high professional mountaineering and climbing skill can give a try to ascend this beautiful mountain.

The legendary and great Nirmal Purja (Nimsdai), the Fastest person ever recorded to climb all the fourteen eight-thousander mountains of Earth with a record time of 6 months and 6 days, when asked if he had to choose between the K2 Expedition and Annapurna Expedition, he mentions choosing K2 Expedition. Ed Viesturs world-famous high-altitude mountaineer named Annapurna as his “toughest climb".

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