Best Everest Expedition Companies

Best Everest Expedition Companies

Global Everest Expedition organizing companies have been organizing Everest Expedition CLimbing for decades and have been noticed to be successful organizations. A series of companies can be notably recognized as the Best Everest Expedition companies. These Best Everest Climbing and Expedition companies provide highly experienced Guides in a 1:1 ratio. Also, they provide a Western mountain guide so they don't mess up to tackle and to manage among the expedition climbers. Ground Operators and the Organizers for climbing Everest summit provide the Sherpas and Expedition guides based on the price and luxury of the trip. The Expedition guide and Sherpa to Client ratio ranges from 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 or even 1:8

As Everest Expedition is the world's highest mountain in the world, Climbing Everest is one of the toughest and the most glorious tasks ever in the world today. So a large no of people dream to the summit to the top of the world, but only some get a chance to make it successful.


Best Everest Expedition and Climbing companies take care of your adventure journey to the summit of Everest. They consist of a highly experienced team of Sherpas, Guides, Western Guides, and Rapid Rescue Planner for any emergencies. If you are traveling with them, there is less chance of facing difficulty while climbing Mt. Everest or even other highest mountains of the world.

The global leaders of Everest Expedition keep their total clients limited, push them under 1:1 or 1:4 or 1:8 ratio of Expedition Guides and Mountaineers (Clients).

Company Name Founded Country Example Prices (normal route)
Adventure Consultants
1992 AD New Zealand
  • Mt. Everest (S): $69K
  • Cho Oyu: $33.75K
  • Manaslu:$26.9
  • Aconcagua: $6.35K
  • Denali: $9.7K
  • Vinson: $44.25K
Alpine Ascents International
1986 AD US
Alpenglow Expeditions
2004 US
International Mountain Guides 1975 US
Jagged Globe 1987 AD
  • UK
Mountain Madness 1996 US

  • Everest (S): $67K
  • Aconcagua: $5.8K
  • Denali: $11.2K
  • Cho Oyu:$27.5

Madison Mountaineering 2013 US
  • Mt. Everest: 765K
  • Mt. Denali:$11.2K
  • Mt. K2: $69.5K
  • Mt. Cho Oyu: 24K
  • Mt. Vinson:$50K
Benegas Brothers 1992 AD US/Argentina
  • Everest (S): $75K
  • Aconcagua: $5.3K
  • Kilimanjaro: $5K
Project Himalaya
Nepal/New Zealand Jamie McGuinness Treks and Expeditions

Ground Agents (Companies based in Nepal that arranges logistics)

Company Name Founder Climbing / Expeditions
Asian Trekking Ang Tshering Sherpa
  • Everest Expedition
  • Mt. Cho Oyu
  • Mt. Shishapangma
  • Mt, Ama Dablam
  • Mt. Annapurna
  • Mt. Lhotse
  • Mt. Kanchenjunga
  • Mt. K2
Seven Summits Treks Mingma and Dawa Sherpa
  • 7 Summits
  • all 8000m mountains
Makalu Adventure
Mohan Lamsal
Himalayan Glacier Sagar Pandey
Ascent Himalayas
  • Mt. Everest (South)
  • Mt. Everest (N)
  • Mt. Cho Oyu
  • Mt. Manaslu
Imagine Nepal Mingma G
  • Mt. Everest (S)
  • Mt. Everest (N)
  • Mt. K2
  • Mt. Cho Oyu
  • Mt. Manaslu
  • all 8000m mountains
TAG Nepal Tendi Sherpa Himalayas

Please see Selecting a Guide for more information

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